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/ The Macintosh Demo Applications CD / Apple-MacintoshDemoApplicationsCD-1.0-1992.iso / More Information / FreeHand 3.1 / FH3.1 Online Help / FH3.1 Online Help.rsrc / PICT_742_Restricting element selection to one layer.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1991-11-22  |  98KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: reckoner | sky
OCR: Restricting element selection to one layer When you're working on complex illustration you may want to isolate elements so you can work on them more closely without accidentally selecting or changing elements on other layers. You can use the "Multilayer' command (on the View menu and on the palette submenu) to isolate elements by restricting element selection to the current (highlighted) drawing layer. When checkmark appears next to "Multilayer" on the View meni or on the "Layers' palette submenu, you can select elements on visible layer. When no checkmark appears you can see elements on all visible layers but you can select elements only on the current drawina Tayer. Choose "Multilayer" on the View menu or on the "Layers' palette submenu to switch back and forth between selecting elements ...